Transferring Earthly Treasure
Situational information
- Addressed to: “Brother N.”.
- Ellen White met him, maybe for the first time, in the camp-meeting at Tipton, IN, on October 6 – 11 of 1870 (Lt 15, 1870, par. 1; Lt 16a, 1870, par. 3).
- Written: Pleasanton, KS on October 15, 1870
Key concepts
- Covetousness.
- The man thought his duty to preach but was very attached to wealth seeking.
- The results of his works were negative.
- Profound covetousness, wealth-seeking life.
- Cold with his family.
Salient Excerpts
- “The power of the love of riches over the human mind is almost paralyzing. Riches infatuate many, and make them act as though they were bereft of reason. The more they have of this world, the more they desire. Their fears of coming to want, increase with their riches. They have a disposition to hoard up means for the future. They are close and selfish, fearing that God will not provide for their future needs.” 680
- “Wealth is power; and frequently the love of it depraves and paralyzes all that is noble and godlike in man.” 681
- “Some who attempt to teach the truth to others do not themselves obey the word of God. The more such teachers the cause of God has, the less prosperous will it be.” 683
- The salvation of man was His joy. 686
Related to
- 2T553-57: Fanaticism for preaching but reprobate life and motives.
- Parable Young Ruler