Aphorisms of Virtuous Life & Sanctification

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  • The most precious fruit of sanctification is the grace of meekness. MLT253
  • Most of the grand truths of God have to be burned into us by the hot iron of affliction. ST9,4 01/25/1883
  • To a people in whose hearts his law is written, the favor of God is assured. DA106
  • The trials of life our God’s workmen to remove the impurities and roughness from our character COL 10
  • There is nothing that can keep you away from God but a rebellious will MLT 318
  • The saint in Heaven must first be a saint up on earth. MLT273
  • None but Christ can fashion anew the character that has been ruined by sin. DA38
  • The Fountain of the heart must be purified before the streams can become pure. DA172
  • A living faith means an increase of vigor, a confiding trust, by which the soul becomes a conquering power. DA347
  • Every unselfish action gives new strength to spirituality. No one can try to be like Christ without growing more noble and more true. MYP 96, 97.
  • Yes, tell it in words full of cheer, that no one who perseveringly climbs the ladder will fail of gaining an entrance into the heavenly city. MYP95
  • Holiness is constant agreement with God. This Day With God, p. 145
  • It is moral worth that God values. Love and purity are the attributes He prizes most.
  • The Christian’s life is not a modification or Improvement of the old, but a Transformation of nature. DA172
  • Cultivate the habit of talking with the Savior… let the heart be continually uplifted in silent petition for help, for light, for strength, for knowledge. Let every breath be a prayer. MLT17
  • The simplicity, the self-forgetfulness, and the confiding love of a little child are the attributes that Heaven values. These are the characteristics of real greatness. DA 437
  • The soil will not produce its reaches when worked by impulse. it needs thoughtful, daily attention. COL88
  • Righteousness is rightdoing, and it is by their deeds that all will be judged. Our characters are revealed by what we do. MLT272
  • To be a Christian is to be Christlike, to possess humility and a meek and quiet spirit that will bear contradiction without being enraged or becoming insane.2T573
  • Though formed in the image of his Maker, man can so educate his mind that sin which he once loathed will become pleasant to him. 2T479
  • Human nature is ever struggling for expression. It is ever ready for contest. The soul who learns in the school of Christ must be first emptied of self, of pride, of love of supremacy. There is a sacred silence in the soul. Lt141-1899.
  • Bible sanctification does not consist in strong emotions … they make feelings their criterion. when they feel elated or happy, they claim that they are sanctified. MLT 248
  • Keep the conscience tender, that you may hear the faintest whisper off the voice that spake as never man spake. MLT 322
  • When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. MH58
  • The most dangerous falsehoods are those that are mingled with truth. It is thus that errors are received that captivate and ruin the soul. PP338
  • The greatest victories gained for the cause of God are not the results of labored argument, ample facilities, wide influence, or abundance of means; they are gained in the audience chamber with God, when with earnest, agonizing faith men lay hold upon the mighty arm of power. GW 259
  • The men of prayer are the men of power. PP 509
  • The power of the love of riches over the human mind is almost paralyzing. 2T680
  • Churches are not wholly composed of pure, sincere Christians. Not all the names that stand registered upon the church books are worthy to be there. The life and character of some as compared with others is as gold with worthless dross. It need not be so. Those who are valuable in life and influence have felt the importance of following Jesus closely, of making the life of Christ their study and example. This will require effort, meditation, and earnest prayer. It requires exertion to obtain the victory over selfishness and to make the interest of God’s cause primary. Some have made the effort and practiced close discipline of self, and they have gained precious victories. Those who consider their own interest primary, live for self. Their character in the sight of God is as worthless dross. 2T637
  • Opposing circumstances should create a firm determination to overcome them. One barrier broken down will give greater ability and courage to go forward. Press in the right direction, and make a change, solidly, intelligently. Then circumstances will be your helpers and not your hindrances. Make a beginning. The oak is in the acorn. 6T145

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