Aphorisms – Children’s Education

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Children’s Education

Short aphorisms

  • the training of their children is an important work in the saving of souls. 2SM355
  • Mothers, make the education of your children the highest aim of life. AUG 05/14/1902
  • A practical knowledge of domestic duties would be the very best instruction your children could receive. Lt 9, 1888
  • So instruct them and so arrange their work that their spare time will not be spent in idleness. GCB 05/30/1909
  • The future happiness of your families and the welfare of society depend largely upon the physical and moral education which your children receive in the first years of their life. CG103
  • The most essential education is that which will teach them the love and the fear of God. RH 06/24/1890
  • Your efforts to train your children should be earnest and persevering. RH 06/24/1890
  • Do not allow them to be careless or disrespectful. Ms 126, 1903
  • Unless you discipline yourselves, you will be unable properly to discipline your children. Ms 126, 1903
  • Give your children something to think of, something to do, that they may be fitted for usefulness in this life and in the future life. Ms 62, 1901
  • The work of every teacher, every parent, should be to fasten the minds of the children and youth upon the grand truths of the Word of inspiration. MLT107

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