Aphorisms – Be a Blessing

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Be a Blessing

Short aphorisms

  • True joy can be found only in unselfish service. MLT 202
  • he who dishonors God fails to benefit humanity ST 06/25/1894
  • We are here to benefit humanity, to be a blessing to society. MLT214
  • Love revealed for suffering humanity gives significance and power to the truth. MLT224
  • Crowd all the good works you possibly can into this life. 5T488.
  • A minister cannot be too careful of his influence. 2T547
  • Lay hold of every opportunity within your reach of doing good. 2T331
  • … be a blessing to society. 2T587
  • Be … a benefit to our race and generation 2T587
  • …in vain are men’s dreams of progress, in vain all efforts for the uplifting of humanity, if they neglect the one Source of hope and help for the fallen race SC21
  • (a man of God) regards every human being as precious because Christ has died for every soul. MLT 277
  • Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments as upon your ability to find the way to the heart. MLT 233
  • the Christian does not ask, Are they worthy? but, How can I benefit them? COL22
  • Let it be your object to make those around you better, to elevate them, to point them to heaven and glory. 2T59?
  • … gather rays of eternal light from the throne of glory and scatter them around you. 2T594
  • What Christ was on this earth, the Christian worker should strive to be COL123
  • Into all that we do, whether our work be in the shop, on the farm, or in the office, we are to bring the endeavor to save souls. MLT219
  • Work, with a heart filled with an earnest longing for souls. MLT224
  • Let us ever be channels through which shall flow the refreshing waters of compassion. MH158
  • Those who do their duty to others as they would that others should do to them are brought into a position where God can reveal Himself to them.2T551
  • Avail yourselves while you may of every privilege of doing good. These privileges improved are as a passing shower, which will water and revive you. Lay hold of every opportunity within your reach of doing good.2T331
  • …Christian [means being] … Christlike, to do others good, to be divested of all selfishness, and to have our lives marked with acts of disinterested benevolence. 2T331
  • With the work of advocating the commandments of God and repairing the breach that has been made in the law of God, we are to mingle compassion for suffering humanity. MLT224
  •  Love revealed for suffering humanity gives significance and power to the truth.MLT 224
  • Without a living faith in Christ as a personal Saviour it is impossible to make our influence felt in a skeptical world. We cannot give to others that which we do not ourselves possess. It is in proportion to our own devotion and consecration to Christ that we exert an influence for the blessing and uplifting of mankind. COL37
  • Men may combat and defy our logic; they may resist our appeals; but a life of holy purpose, of disinterested love in their behalf, is an argument in favor of the truth that they cannot gainsay. MLT220
  • Not more surely is the place prepared for us in the heavenly mansions than is the special place designated on earth where we are to work for God. COL327
  • Speak no words of vanity, no words of harsh command; for they will gender strife. Speak instead words that will give light, knowledge, information, words that will restore and build up. MLT111
  • A man shows that he has true wisdom by using the talent of speech to produce music in the souls of those who are trying to do their appointed work and who are in need of encouragement. MLT111
  • Our work in this world is to live for others’ good, to bless others, to be hospitable; 2T645
  • It is little things which test the character. It is the un-pretending acts of daily self-denial, with cheerfulness and gentleness, that God smiles upon. We should not live for ourselves, but for others. We should be a blessing by our forgetfulness of self and our thoughtfulness of others. We should cherish love, forbearance, and fortitude. 2T647
  • … adorn society by (your) position and influence in the world, …adorn the cause of God by pure Christian morals and virtuous acts in the service of Christ.2t648
  • watch for opportunities to do good 2t653
  • The followers of Christ should value souls as He valued them.2t664
  • But the present time requires us to be waiting for the coming of the Lord and vigilantly working for the salvation of our fellow men.2t673
  • God’s servants … their work is to do all in their power, with their influence and their means, to save souls for whom Christ died.2t675
  • Reliable men are very scarce for the reason that the hearts of men are so devoted to their own selfish interests that they know no other.2t636
  • [your] neighbor has claims upon [you] that [you] cannot disregard and yet obey the commandment of God. 2T681

Long aphorisms

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