Adventist History in Conceptual Maps

This is a new resource for the study of Adventist history and ideas from a perspective of conceptual maps, philosophy of Adventist history, and systems science. The goal is to provide materials on a variety of topics such as books, conceptual analysis of Millerite and Adventist ideas, buildings, and the writings of Adventist pioneers. We aim at providing the same article in two or three formats: children (Adventurer and Pathfinder age), casual reader, and technical details. This website is not an official instrument of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and all possible errors are our own.

We welcome constructive suggestions and information from kind readers. The website is organized in broad topics of interest, and will grow gradually as new articles and pieces of research are produced. We hope that this resource is useful to you!

Latest Articles!

Our First Article: The Dime Tabernacle!

See the Dime Tabernacle as never seen before. A beautiful Ruskinian Gothic style building which was one of the most beautiful in the state of Michigan. Here important denominational events took place. In this article you can explore 3D views of the building and learn about early Adventist history.

This article is work-in-progress, but you can enjoy the pictures of the Tabernacle that we created, and stay tuned for more!

See our Second beta Article: EGW Aphorisms!

Ellen White’s writings are also a wonderful source of deep aphorisms. We collect them! We want to share some wonderful “one-liners” with you! In a next article we’ll share 2-liners, and later longer length aphorisms. Stay tuned!


The Dime Tabernacle

Discover the Dime Tabernacle and other iconic buildings as never seen before!

Literary Studies


EGW Books


EGW Aphorisms!

Click here version Beta!





Have Questions?

The 11 Most Frequent Questions

These are the top 11 questions we have received from our readers in the short life of this website.

Who runs the website?

A group of enthusiasts with backgrounds in intellectual history and the (quantitative) sciences. The website doesn’t represent the SD Adventist Church, any mistakes are our own.

What are the main objectives of the website?

1) Encourage knowledge of Adventist history from a systems perspective, 2) catalog Adventist books from an archivist perspective, 3) encourage the use of church information resources (i.e.,,

What references method you use?

We try to be exhaustive and base specialized articles on the original sources, if possible.

Is this a revisionist history site?


Why the images look so incredibly cool?

Because of our team of top modelers.

How often there’ll be new content

Hopefully every other week.

What’s the intended audience?

Everybody with a keen interest in intellectual history and antiquarian topics.

Why the website looks so amateurish?

It’s in construction and no one in the staff has any experience in website design yet. Patience!

Why the website is called maps but doesn’t have any?


Are articles static?

We try. But, we follow a spiral iterative model, articles are improved, like an algorithm, until they converge to an acceptable level of quality.

Why it took so long to prove the Poincaré conjecture?

Supremely difficult. Required a highly original technique of manipulating manifolds and Ricci flow!